Mon, 15 May 2017
14:15 - 15:15
Lucas Branco

The moduli space M(G) of Higgs bundles for a complex reductive group G on a compact Riemann surface carries a natural hyperkahler structure and it comes equipped with an algebraically completely integrable system through a flat projective morphism called the Hitchin map. Motivated by mirror symmetry, I will discuss certain complex Lagrangians (BAA-branes) in M(G) coming from real forms of G and give a proposal for the mirror (BBB-brane) in the moduli space of Higgs bundles for the Langlands dual group of G.  In this talk, I will focus on the real groups SU^*(2m), SO^*(4m) and Sp(m,m). The image under the Hitchin map of Higgs bundles for these groups is completely contained in the discriminant locus of the base and our analysis is carried out by describing the whole
(singular) fibres they intersect. These turn out to be certain subvarieties of the moduli space of rank 1 torsion-free sheaves on a non-reduced curve. If time permits we will also discuss another class of complex Lagrangians in M(G) which can be constructed from symplectic representations of G.


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