Mon, 05 Mar 2018
14:15 - 15:15
Maxence Mayrand

Symplectic reduction is the natural quotient construction for symplectic manifolds. Given a free and proper action of a Lie group G on a symplectic manifold M, this process produces a new symplectic manifold of dimension dim(M) - 2 dim(G). For non-free actions, however, the result is usually fairly singular. But Sjamaar-Lerman (1991) showed that the singularities can be understood quite precisely: symplectic reductions by non-free actions are partitioned into smooth symplectic manifolds, and these manifolds fit nicely together in the sense that they form a stratification.

Symplectic reduction has an analogue in hyperkähler geometry, which has been a very important tool for constructing new examples of these special manifolds. In this talk, I will explain how Sjamaar-Lerman’s results can be extended to this setting, namely, hyperkähler quotients by non-free actions are stratified
spaces whose strata are hyperkähler.


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