Mon, 30 Apr 2018
14:15 - 15:15
Kelli Francis-Staite

A C^infinity scheme is a version of a scheme that uses a maximal spectrum. The category of C^infinity schemes contains the category of Manifolds as a full subcategory, as well as being closed under fibre products. In other words, this category is equipped to handle intersection singularities of smooth spaces.

While originally defined in the set up of Synthetic Differential Geometry, C^infinity schemes have more recently been used to describe derived manifolds, for example, the d-manifolds of Joyce. There are applications of this in Symplectic Geometry, such as the describing the moduli space of J-holomorphic forms.

In this talk, I will describe the category of C^infinity schemes, and how this idea can be extended to manifolds with corners. If time, I will mention the applications of this in derived geometry.

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