Costello, K
Scheimbauer, C
Last updated
Supersymmetric gauge theories have played a central role in applications of
quantum field theory to mathematics. Topologically twisted supersymmetric gauge
theories often admit a rigorous mathematical description: for example, the
Donaldson invariants of a 4-manifold can be interpreted as the correlation
functions of a topologically twisted N=2 gauge theory. The aim of these
lectures is to describe a mathematical formulation of partially-twisted
supersymmetric gauge theories (in perturbation theory). These partially twisted
theories are intermediate in complexity between the physical theory and the
topologically twisted theories. Moreover, we will sketch how the operators of
such a theory form a two complex dimensional analog of a vertex algebra.
Finally, we will consider a deformation of the N=1 theory and discuss its
relation to the Yangian, as explained in arXiv:1308.0370 and arXiv:1303.2632.
Symplectic ID
Publication type
Journal Article
Publication date
3 January 2015
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