Tue, 06 Nov 2018
15:45 - 16:45
Thomas Prince

Combining work of Galkin, Christopherson-Ilten, and Coates-Corti-Galkin-Golyshev-Kasprzyk we see that all smooth Fano threefolds admit a toric degeneration. We can use this fact to uniformly construct all Fano threefolds: given a choice of a fan we classify reflexive polytopes which break into unimodular pieces along this fan. We can then construct closed torus invariant embeddings of the corresponding toric variety using a technique - Laurent inversion - developed with Coates and Kaspzryk. The corresponding binomial ideal is controlled by the chosen fan, and in low enough codimension we can explicitly test deformations of this toric ideal. We relate the constructions we obtain to known constructions. We study the simplest case of the above construction, closely related to work of Abouzaid-Auroux-Katzarkov, in arbitrary dimension and use it to produce a tropical interpretation of the mirror superpotential via broken lines. We expect the computation to be the tropical analogue of a Floer theory calculation.

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