Seminar series
Fri, 08 Mar 2019
12:00 - 13:00
Subramanian Ramamoorthy
University of Edinburgh and FiveAI

A defining feature of robotics today is the use of learning and autonomy in the inner loop of systems that are actually being deployed in the real world, e.g., in autonomous driving or medical robotics. While it is clear that useful autonomous systems must learn to cope with a dynamic environment, requiring architectures that address the richness of the worlds in which such robots must operate, it is also equally clear that ensuring the safety of such systems is the single biggest obstacle preventing scaling up of these solutions. I will discuss an approach to system design that aims at addressing this problem by incorporating programmatic structure in the network architectures being used for policy learning. I will discuss results from two projects in this direction.

Firstly, I will present the perceptor gradients algorithm – a novel approach to learning symbolic representations based on the idea of decomposing an agent’s policy into i) a perceptor network extracting symbols from raw observation data and ii) a task encoding program which maps the input symbols to output actions. We show that the proposed algorithm is able to learn representations that can be directly fed into a Linear-Quadratic Regulator (LQR) or a general purpose A* planner. Our experimental results confirm that the perceptor gradients algorithm is able to efficiently learn transferable symbolic representations as well as generate new observations according to a semantically meaningful specification.

Next, I will describe work on learning from demonstration where the task representation is that of hybrid control systems, with emphasis on extracting models that are explicitly verifi able and easily interpreted by robot operators. Through an architecture that goes from the sensorimotor level involving fitting a sequence of controllers using sequential importance sampling under a generative switching proportional controller task model, to higher level modules that are able to induce a program for a visuomotor reaching task involving loops and conditionals from a single demonstration, we show how a robot can learn tasks such as tower building in a manner that is interpretable and eventually verifiable.



1. S.V. Penkov, S. Ramamoorthy, Learning programmatically structured representations with preceptor gradients, In Proc. International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2019.

2. M. Burke, S.V. Penkov, S. Ramamoorthy, From explanation to synthesis: Compositional program induction for learning from demonstration,

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