Tue, 28 May 2019
14:30 - 15:00
Jonathan Grant-Peters

Optimisation in 1D is far simpler than multidimensional optimisation and this is largely due to the notion of a bracket. A bracket is a trio of points such that the middle point is the one with the smallest objective function value (of the three). The existence of a bracket is sufficient to guarantee that a continuous function has a local minimum within the bracket. The most stable 1D optimisation methods, such as Golden Section or Brent's Method, make use of this fact. The mentality behind these methods is to maintain a bracket at all times, all the while finding smaller brackets until the local minimum can be guaranteed to lie within a sufficiently small range. For smooth functions, Brent's method in particular converges quickly with a minimum of function evaluations required. However, when applied to a piece-wise smooth functions, it achieves its realistic worst case convergence rate. In this presentation, I will present a new method which uses ideas from Brent and Golden Section, while being designed to converge quickly for piece-wise smooth functions.

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