Tue, 15 Oct 2019
15:30 - 16:30
Clemens Koppensteiner

Given a smooth variety X with a normal crossings divisor D (or more generally a smooth log variety) we consider the ring of logarithmic differential operators: the subring of differential operators on X generated by vector fields tangent to D. Modules over this ring are called logarithmic D-modules and generalize the classical theory of regular meromorphic connections. They arise naturally when considering compactifications.

We will discuss which parts of the theory of D-modules generalize to the logarithmic setting and how to overcome new challenges arising from the logarithmic structure. In particular, we will define holonomicity for log D-modules and state a conjectural extension of the famous Riemann-Hilbert correspondence. This talk will be very example-focused and will not require any previous knowledge of D-modules or logarithmic geometry. This is joint work with Mattia Talpo.

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