Tue, 08 Oct 2019
Vardan Papyan
Stanford University

Numerous researchers recently applied empirical spectral analysis to the study of modern deep learning classifiers. We identify and discuss an important formal class/cross-class structure and show how it lies at the origin of the many visually striking features observed in deepnet spectra, some of which were reported in recent articles and others unveiled here for the first time. These include spectral outliers and small but distinct bumps often seen beyond the edge of a "main bulk". The structure we identify organizes the coordinates of deepnet features and back-propagated errors, indexing them as an NxC or NxCxC array. Such arrays can be indexed by a two-tuple (i,c) or a three-tuple (i,c,c'), where i runs across the indices of the train set; c runs across the class indices and c' runs across the cross-class indices. This indexing naturally induces C class means, each obtained by averaging over the indices i and c' for a fixed class c. The same indexing also naturally defines C^2 cross-class means, each obtained by averaging over the index i for a fixed class c and a cross-class c'. We develop a formal process of spectral attribution, which is used to show the outliers are attributable to the C class means; the small bump next to the "main bulk" is attributable to between-cross-class covariance; and the "main bulk" is attributable to within-cross-class covariance. Formal theoretical results validate our attribution methodology.
We show how the effects of the class/cross-class structure permeate not only the spectra of deepnet features and backpropagated errors, but also the gradients, Fisher Information matrix and Hessian, whether these are considered in the context of an individual layer or the concatenation of them all. The Kronecker or Khatri-Rao product of the class means in the features and the class/cross-class means in the backpropagated errors approximates the class/cross-class means in the gradients. These means of gradients then create C and C^2 outliers in the spectrum of the Fisher Information matrix, which is the second moment of these gradients. The outliers in the Fisher Information matrix spectrum then create outliers in the Hessian spectrum. We explain the significance of this insight by proposing a correction to KFAC, a well known second-order optimization algorithm for training deepnets.

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