Thu, 17 Oct 2019
16:00 - 17:30
Filip Zivanovic

Springer theory is an important branch of geometric representation theory. It is a beautiful interplay between combinatorics, geometry and representation theory.
It started with Springer correspondence, which yields geometric construction of irreducible representations of symmetric groups, and Ginzburg's construction of universal enveloping algebra U(sl_n).

Here I will present a view of two-row Springer theory of type A (thus looking at nilpotent elements with two Jordan blocks) from a scope of a symplectic topologist (hence the title), that yields connections between symplectic-topological invariants and link invariants (Floer homology and Khovanov homology) and connections to representation theory (Fukaya category and parabolic category O), thus summarising results by Abouzaid,
Seidel, Smith and Mak on the subject.

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