Thu, 24 Oct 2019
16:00 - 17:30
Jan Steinebrunner

The homotopy bordism category hCob_d has as objects closed (d-1)-manifolds and as morphisms diffeomorphism classes of d-dimensional bordisms. This is a simplified version of the topologically enriched bordism category Cob_d whose classifying space B(Cob_d) been completely determined by Galatius-Madsen-Tillmann-Weiss in 2006. In comparison, little is known about the classifying space B(hCob_d).

In the first part of the talk I will give an introduction to bordism categories and their classifying spaces. In the second part I will identify B(hCob_1) showing, in particular, that the rational cohomology ring of hCob_1 is polynomial on classes \kappa_i in degrees 2i+2 for all i>=1. The seemingly simpler category hCob_1 hence has a more complicated classifying space than Cob_1.

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