Seminar series
Wed, 30 Oct 2019
Brian Tyrrell
(Oxford University)

In 2010 Coecke, Sadrzadeh, and Clark formulated a new model of natural language which operates by combining the syntactics of grammar and the semantics of individual words to produce a unified ''meaning'' of sentences. This they did by using category theory to understand the component parts of language and to amalgamate the components together to form what they called a ''distributional compositional categorical model of meaning''. In this talk I shall introduce the model of Coecke et. al., and use it to compare the meaning of sentences in Irish and in English (and thus ascertain when a sentence is the translation of another sentence) using a cosine similarity score.

The Irish language is a member of the Gaelic family of languages, originating in Ireland and is the official language of the Republic of Ireland.

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