Thu, 21 Nov 2019
16:00 - 17:00
Arkadij Bojko

G. Dimitrov and L. Katzarkov introduced in their paper from 2016 the counting of non-commutative curves and their (semi-)stability using T. Bridgeland's stability conditions on triangulated categories. To some degree one could think of this as the non-commutative analog of Gromov-Witten theory. However, its full meaning has not yet been fully discovered. For example there seems to be a relation to proving Markov's conjecture. 

For the talk, I will go over the definitions of stability conditions, non-commutative curves and their counting. After developing some tools relying on working with exceptional collections, I will consider the derived category of representations on the acyclic triangular quiver and will talk about the explicit computation of the invariants for this example.

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