Thu, 20 Feb 2020
15:00 - 16:00
Aurelio Carlucci

This talk aims to provide a simple introduction on how to probe the
explicit geometry of certain moduli schemes arising in enumerative
geometry. Stable pairs, introduced by Pandharipande and Thomas in 2009, offer a curve-counting theory which is tamer than the Hilbert scheme of
curves used in Donaldson-Thomas theory. In particular, they exclude
curves with zero-dimensional or embedded components.

Ribbons are non-reduced schemes of dimension one, whose non-reduced
structure has multiplicity two in a precise sense. Following Ferrand, Banica, and Forster, there are several results on how to construct
ribbons (and higher non-reduced structures) from the data of line
bundles on a reduced scheme. With this approach, we can consider stable
pairs whose underlying curve is a ribbon: the remaining data is
determined by allowing devenerations of the line bundle defining the
double structure.

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