Masuda, N
Porter, M
Lambiotte, R
Journal title
Physics Reports
Last updated
© 2017 The Author(s) In Eq. (50), the [Formula presented]h element of the matrix on the right-hand side should be [Formula presented] rather than [Formula presented] The correct equation is [Formula presented] In Eq. (66), [Formula presented]should be [Formula presented] The correct equation is [Formula presented] In Eq. (109), two instances of [Formula presented]on the right-hand side should be [Formula presented] The correct equation is [Formula presented] In Eq. (148), [Formula presented]should be [Formula presented] The correct equation is [Formula presented] In Eq. (155), [Formula presented]should be [Formula presented] The correct equation is [Formula presented] In Eq. (160), [Formula presented]should be [Formula presented] The correct equation is [Formula presented] In Eq. (179), [Formula presented]should be [Formula presented] The correct equation is [Formula presented] In the line right after Eq. (179), [Formula presented]should be [Formula presented] In Eq. (180), [Formula presented]should be [Formula presented] The correct equation is [Formula presented] In Eq. (184), [Formula presented]in the denominator on the right-hand side in the first line should be included in the summand. The correct equation is [Formula presented] In Eq. (200), [Formula presented]should be [Formula presented] The correct equation is [Formula presented] In Eq. (207), [Formula presented]should be [Formula presented] The correct equation is [Formula presented] In Eq. (208), [Formula presented]in the second line should be [Formula presented] The correct equation is [Formula presented] In Eq. (212), [Formula presented]should be [Formula presented] The correct equation is [Formula presented]
Symplectic ID
Publication type
Journal Article
Publication date
01 Jan 2020
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