Seminar series
Tue, 19 May 2020
Yvonne Geyer
Chulalongkorn University

Ambitwistor strings are a class of holomorphic worldsheet models that directly describe massless quantum field theories, such as supergravity and super Yang-Mills. Their correlators give remarkably compact amplitude representations, known as the CHY formulas: characteristic worldsheet integrals that are fully localized on a set of polynomial constraints known as the scattering equations. Moreover, the ambitwistor string models provide a natural way of extending these formulas to loop level, where the constraints can be used to simplify the formulas (originally on higher genus curves) to 'forward limit-like' constructions on nodal spheres. After reviewing these developments, I will discuss one of the peculiar features of this approach: the worldsheet formulas on nodal spheres result in a non-standard integrand representation that makes it difficult to e.g. apply established integration techniques. While several approaches for addressing this look feasible or have been put forward in the literature, they only work for the simplest toy models. Taking inspiration from these attempts, I want to discuss a novel strategy to overcome this difficulty, and formulate compact worldsheet formulas with standard Feynman propagators.

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