Fri, 19 Feb 2021
Luca Iliesiu
Stanford University

An important open question in black hole thermodynamics is about the existence of a "mass gap" between an extremal black hole and the lightest near-extremal state within a sector of fixed charge. In this talk, I will discuss how to reliably compute the partition function of 4d Reissner-Nordstrom near-extremal black holes at temperature scales comparable to the conjectured gap. I will show that the density of states at fixed charge does not exhibit a gap in the simplest gravitational non-supersymmetric theories; rather, at the expected gap energy scale, we see a continuum of states whose meaning we will extensively discuss. Finally, I will present a similar computation for nearly-BPS black holes in 4d N=2 supergravity. As opposed to their non-supersymmetric counterparts, such black holes do in fact exhibit a gap consistent with various string theory predictions.

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