Ciosmak, K
Journal title
Israel Journal of Mathematics
Last updated
We establish the sharp rate of continuity of extensions of ℝm-valued 1-Lipschitz maps from a subset A of ℝn to a 1-Lipschitz maps on ℝn. We consider several cases when there exists a 1-Lipschitz extension with preserved uniform distance to a given 1-Lipschitz map. We prove that if m > 1, then a given map is 1-Lipschitz and affine if and only if such a distance preserving extension exists for any 1-Lipschitz map defined on any subset of ℝn. This shows a striking difference from the case m = 1, where any 1-Lipschitz function has such a property. Another example where we prove it is possible to find an extension with the same Lipschitz constant and the same uniform distance to another Lipschitz map v is when the difference between the two maps takes values in a fixed one-dimensional subspace of ℝm and the set A is geodesically convex with respect to a Riemannian pseudo-metric associated with v.

Symplectic ID
Publication type
Journal Article
Publication date
06 Oct 2021
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