Mon, 03 May 2021
16:00 - 17:00
Daniele Mastrostefano

For every positive integer N and every α ∈ [0,1), let B(N, α) denote the probabilistic model in which a random set A of (1,...,N) is constructed by choosing independently every element of (1,...,N) with probability α. We prove that, as N → +∞, for every A in B(N, α) we have |AA| ~ |A|^2/2 with probability 1-o(1), if and only if (log(α^2(log N)^{log 4-1}))(√loglog N) → ∞. This improves on a theorem of Cilleruelo, Ramana and Ramar\'e, who proved the above asymptotic between |AA| and |A|^2/2 when α =o(1/√log N), and supplies a complete characterization of maximal product sets of random sets.

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