This survey is to gather information from colleges about their teaching arrangements for incoming Maths students, with the aim of then sharing this information with colleagues so that we all have a better understanding of what other colleges do.  There is no intention to tell colleges what they should do, rather to exchange ideas to help colleges to consider what they could do.

Ideally I would like exactly one response to this survey per college!  The survey will close on Monday 19 July.

Please do not include Opportunity Oxford activities in your responses, as those are centrally organised and the department coordinates the maths-specific aspects.

Do you ask your offerholders to complete any work after their places are confirmed and before they arrive in Oxford? (Please select as many as relevant.)
Do you ask your new students to complete any work when they arrive in Oxford (in addition to the usual departmental lectures and problems sheets)?
Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page. Last updated on 02 Apr 2022 21:54.