Seven new lecturers will be joining the department in October.

Ruth Baker (St Hugh's)

Ruth has just completed her D.Phil. at the Centre for Mathematical Biology, on the modelling of pattern formation in embryos. She takes up her full duties in 2010: until then, she will be supported in part by a Lloyd's Tercentenary Fellowship and in part by an RCUK Academic Fellowship.

Victor Flynn (New College)

Victor is currently a Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Liverpool. His interests are in number theory of higher genus curves and their Jacobians.

Anne Henke (Pembroke)

Anne is currently a Lecturer in Pure Mathematics at Leicester. Her interests are in representation theory and Schur algebras.

Mike Monoyios (LMH)

Mike is a Senior Lecturer in Mathematical Finance at Brunel, currently on leave at Imperial. He is interested in optimal hedging strategies in the presence of risk and stochastic volatility modelling.

Alex Scott (Merton)

Alex is currently a Reader at UCL. His interests are in the broad area of Combinatorics, and its connections with computer science, probability theory and statistical physics.

Balazs Szendroi (St Peter's)

Balazs currently holds a Marie Curie Fellowship at Utrecht University. He is interested in algebraic geometry and its connections with physics, particularly with mirror symmetry in string theory.

Pierre Tarres (St Hugh's, initially joint with St Catherine's)

Pierre is currently a tenured CNRS Research Fellow at the Statistics and Probability Laboratory, Toulouse. He is interested in reinforced random walks and stochastic approximation.

Posted on 3 Aug 2005, 10:00am. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.