Fri, 18 Nov 2022
Harry Reynolds

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Elkem is developing a new method for categorising the reactivity between silicon carbide (SiC) powder and silicon monoxide gas (SiO(g)). Experiments have been designed which pass SiO gas through a powdered bed of SiC inside of a heated crucible, resulting in a reaction between the two. The SiO gas is produced via a secondary reaction outside of the SiC bed. Both reactions require specific temperature and pressure constraints to occur. Therefore, we would like to mathematically model the temperature distribution and gas flow within the experimental set-up to provide insight into how we can control the process.


Complexities arise from:

  • Endothermic reactions causing heat sinks
  • Competing reactions beyond the two we desire
  • Dynamically changing properties of the bed, such as permeability
Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page. Last updated on 11 Nov 2022 15:35.