Mon, 27 Nov 2023
Emma Lepri
University of Glasgow

After a brief introduction to the semiregularity maps of Severi, Kodaira and Spencer, and Bloch, I will focus on the Buchweitz-Flenner semiregularity map and on its importance for the deformation theory of coherent sheaves.
The subject of this talk is the construction of a lifting of each component of the Buchweitz-Flenner semiregularity map to an L-infinity morphism between DG-Lie algebras, which allows to interpret components of the semiregularity map as obstruction maps of morphisms of deformation functors.

As a consequence, we obtain that the semiregularity map annihilates all obstructions to deformations of a coherent sheaf on a complex projective manifold. Based on a joint work with R. Bandiera and M. Manetti.

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