The search for and creation of patterns is intrinsic to both science and art. But so is the desire to understand how and why those patterns break down and to uncover the implications for the scientist and the artist.
Artist Liliane Lijn, curator Fatos Ustek and mathematician Marcus du Sautoy will share their experience and understanding of pattern and where it has taken them in their scientific and artistic careers. Conrad Shawcross will chair the discussion and provide his own unique perspective as represented by his 'Cascading Principles' Exhibition.
Liliane Lijn is an American-born artist who has exhibited at the Venice Biennale, and was recently short listed for her design for the Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square. Marcus Sautoy is a mathematician and Professor for the Public Understanding of Science in Oxford. Fatos Ustek is curator of the 'Cascading Principles' exhibition and curator of the sculpture park at Frieze London. Conrad Shawcross is an artist specialising in mechanical sculptures based on philosophical and scientific ideas.
Thursday 28 September, 5.30pm
Mathematical Institute, Oxford
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