Seminar series
Thu, 23 Nov 2023
17:00 - 18:00
Jamshid Derakhshan

In this talk I will present joint work with Ehud Hrushovski on imaginaries in the ring of adeles and more generally in products and restricted products of structures (including the generalised products of Feferman-Vaught).


We prove a general theorem on weak elimination of imaginaries in products with respect to additional sorts which we deduce from an elimination of imaginaries for atomic and atomless Booleanizations of a theory. This combined with uniform elimination of imaginaries for p-adic numbers in a language with extra sorts as p-adic lattices proved first by Hrushovski-Martin-Rideau and more recently by Hils-Rideau-Kikuchi in a slightly different language, yields weak elimination of imaginaries for the ring of adeles in a language with extra sorts as adelic versions of the p-adic lattices. 


The proofs of the general results on products use Boolean valued model theory, stability theory, analysis of definable groups and liaison groups, and descriptive set theory of smooth Borel equivalence relations including Harrington-Kechris-Louveau and Glimm-Efros dichotomy. 

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