Tue, 06 Feb 2024
14:00 - 15:00
Robert Hancock
University of Oxford

Given a matrix $A$ with integer entries, a subset $S$ of an abelian group and $r\in\mathbb N$, we say that $S$ is $(A,r)$-Rado if any $r$-colouring of $S$ yields a monochromatic solution to the system of equations $Ax=0$. A classical result of Rado characterises all those matrices $A$ such that $\mathbb N$ is $(A,r)$-Rado for all $r \in \mathbb N$. Rödl and Ruciński, and Friedgut, Rödl and Schacht proved a random version of Rado’s theorem where one considers a random subset of $[n]:=\{1,\dots,n\}$.

In this paper, we investigate the analogous random Ramsey problem in the more general setting of abelian groups. Given a sequence $(S_n)_{n\in\mathbb N}$ of finite subsets of abelian groups, let $S_{n,p}$ be a random subset of $S_n$ obtained by including each element of $S_n$ independently with probability $p$. We are interested in determining the probability threshold for $S_{n,p}$ being $(A,r)$-Rado.

Our main result is a general black box for hypergraphs which we use to tackle problems of this type. Using this tool in conjunction with a series of supersaturation results, we determine the probability threshold for a number of different cases. A consequence of the Green-Tao theorem is the van der Waerden theorem for the primes: every finite colouring of the primes contains arbitrarily long monochromatic arithmetic progressions. Using our machinery, we obtain a random version of this result. We also prove a novel supersaturation result for $[n]^d$ and use it to prove an integer lattice generalisation of the random version of Rado's theorem.

This is joint work with Andrea Freschi and Andrew Treglown (both University of Birmingham).

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