Thu, 06 Feb 2025
12:00 - 12:30
Lecture room 5
Yuji Nakatsukasa
(Oxford University)

A number of algorithms are now available---including Halko-Martinsson-Tropp, interpolative decomposition, CUR, generalized Nystrom, and QR with column pivoting---for computing a low-rank approximation of matrices. Some methods come with extremely strong guarantees, while others may fail with nonnegligible probability. We present methods for efficiently estimating the error of the approximation for a specific instantiation of the methods. Such certificate allows us to execute "responsibly reckless" algorithms, wherein one tries a fast, but potentially unstable, algorithm, to obtain a potential solution; the quality of the solution is then assessed in a reliable fashion, and remedied if necessary. This is joint work with Gunnar Martinsson. 

Time permitting, I will ramble about other topics in Randomised NLA. 

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