Mon, 26 Oct 2009
Eagle House
Alan Hammond
New York University

Condition supercritical percolation so that the origin is enclosed by a dual circuit whose interior traps an area of n^2.

The Wulff problem concerns the shape of the circuit. We study the circuit's fluctuation. A well-known measure of this fluctuation is maximum local roughness (MLR), which is the greatest distance from a point on the circuit to the boundary of circuit's convex hull. Another is maximum facet length (MFL), the length of the longest line segment of which this convex hull is comprised.

In a forthcoming article, I will prove that

for various models including supercritical percolation, under the conditioned measure,

MLR = \Theta(n^{1/3}\log n)^{2/3}) and MFL = \Theta(n^{2/3}(log n)^{1/3}).

An important tool is a result establishing the profusion of regeneration sites in the circuit boundary. The talk will focus on deriving the main results with this tool

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