Tue, 11 May 2010
12:00 - 13:00
Katherine Mack (Cambridge)

The QCD axion is the leading solution to the strong-CP problem, a

dark matter candidate, and a possible result of string theory

compactifications. However, for axions produced before inflation, high

symmetry-breaking scales (such as those favored in string-theoretic axion

models) are ruled out by cosmological constraints unless both the axion

misalignment angle and the inflationary Hubble scale are extremely

fine-tuned. I will discuss how attempting to accommodate a high-scale axion

in inflationary cosmology leads to a fine-tuning problem that is worse than

the strong-CP problem the axion was originally invented to solve, and how

this problem is exacerbated when additional axion-like fields from string

theory are taken into account. This problem remains unresolved by anthropic

selection arguments commonly applied to the high-scale axion scenario.

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