Seminar series
Wed, 17 Oct 2012
Professor Yves Couder
Laboratoire Matiére et Systémes Complexes

Wave-particle duality is a quantum behaviour usually assumed to have no possible counterpart in classical physics. We revisited this question when we found that a droplet bouncing on a vibrated bath could become self-propelled by its coupling to the surface waves it excites. A dynamical wave-particle association is thus formed.Through several experiments we addressed the same general question. How can a localized and discrete droplet have a common dynamics with a continuous and spatially extended wave? Surprisingly several quantum-like behaviors emerge; a form of uncertainty and a form of quantization are observed. I will show that both properties are related to the "path memory" contained in the wave field. The relation of this experiment with the pilot-wave models proposed by de Broglie and by Bohm for quantum mechanics will be discussed.

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