PROMYS Europe: Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists





This form is to be completed, in English, by the applicant's mathematics teacher. It can be submitted at any time before the deadline, before or after the student's own application.

Deadline for submission: Sunday 9 March 2025 23:59 GMT

Students are permitted only one teacher recommendation. If more than one recommendation is submitted PROMYS Europe will only consider the first one.

PLEASE NOTE that you will be unable to save this application form before it is submitted.

Please contact us at @email if you have any questions or difficulties. 


Indicates required field
Student Applicant's Details
Please enter the name of the school or college the applicant is currently attending. If they have finished school/college but not yet started university, for example they are having a gap year, please give the details of the school/college they most recently attended.
Teacher's Details
Teacher's School/College Address
Please enter details of your own school/college, which may be different to that of the applicant.
Please include the country code, eg +33
Please use your official school/college email address.
About the Applicant
Please respond to the questions below as fully as you can and note that the boxes will grow as you write.
i.e. how do you know the applicant - e.g. you might be their maths teacher at school/college; their private tutor at home; the organiser of an extra-curricular maths group they attend; etc.,etc.
Lectures, problem sets and mathematical discussions at PROMYS Europe are conducted in English. Do you think the applicant's oral and written English language skills would enable full participation?
Please complete the table below by checking the boxes you feel most appropriately describe the applicant in relation to other students you have taught.
Applicant's suitability for PROMYS Europe

We would appreciate any comments you can make that might help us determine if the applicant would benefit from participating in PROMYS Europe. Because of the highly intense nature of our programme, we are especially interested in the applicant’s motivation and potential for sustained hard work on challenging mathematical themes.

To be successful at PROMYS Europe, students do not need to have taken advanced courses in mathematics or participated in mathematics competitions: some have had those experiences and some have not. To be successful at PROMYS Europe, students need to have the desire and ability to think deeply about fundamental mathematical principles.

Mailing List
Would you like to be added to our mailing list to be kept informed about future PROMYS Europe programmes? We correspond by email and typically send 3-4 communications per year. Please tick below.

I confirm that the information I have given is, to the best of my knowledge, true and accurate.

I understand and give my consent that the data collected from PROMYS Europe application materials is used by the PROMYS Europe partnership to enable the applicant's participation in the PROMYS Europe programme, and is held securely by the PROMYS Europe partnership, in accordance with the GDPR and related UK data protection legislation. The data will be retained only for as long as is necessary to facilitate these purposes. 

PROMYS Europe is a partnership between the Clay Mathematics Institute (CMI); Wadham College and the Mathematical Institute at the University of Oxford; and PROMYS Europe's parent programme: PROMYS, Boston University, USA.

Sign above

After clicking the 'Submit' button, you will see a confirmation page. If you do not, please check for error messages in your application (such as a required field which has not been completed). After making any necessary adjustments, please click the 'Submit' button again.

After submission, you will automatically be sent a copy of your responses. This email may take up to an hour to arrive. If you do not receive this confirmation email, please contact @email.

Thank you.

Last updated on 8 Jan 2025, 1:41pm. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.