Hayyu Imanda

"MFoCS has been extremely challenging but nevertheless truly stimulating and rewarding."

Hayyu Imanda (Inda) 2016-17

I grew up in Indonesia, before I moved to the UK to do my undergraduate degree in mathematics. At the time, I became interested in the interaction between pure mathematics other other fields; I was also deliberating between career in academia or industry, and doing MFoCS would open many doors in all respects.

The assessment method in MFoCS is unique — within the 3 weeks of working on mini projects each term, it is almost inevitable to discover an entirely new domain on each subject outside the course syllabus, due to the open-ended nature of some problems. It is then summed up with a dissertation, on our choice of topic, and getting to spend the Summer in Oxford is a plus!

What I’ve enjoyed most throughout my year is being a part of a vibrant MFoCS cohort of extremely bright and motivated individuals, of many different mathematical interests. Throughout the year, I have learned a lot — academically and personally — from and alongside the cohort, as well as other students in college and the two departments, and have made very special friends along the way. Lastly, a significant part of my year was spent playing for the tennis Blues team, which adds a competitive edge and a beautiful dynamic to university life.

MFoCS has been extremely challenging but nevertheless truly stimulating and rewarding. All in all, my experience in Oxford has been nothing but spectacular.


Last updated on 10 Jun 2024, 9:26am. Please contact us with feedback and comments about this page.