Fri, 23 Feb 2024

Flat from anti de Sitter - a Carrollian perspective

Prof Marios Petropoulos
(Ecole Polytechnique, Paris)

In recent years, the theme of asymptotically flat spacetimes has come back to the fore, fueled by the discovery of gravitational waves and the growing interest in what flat holography could be. In this quest, the standard tools pertaining to asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes have been insufficiently exploited. I will show how Ricci-flat spacetimes are generally reached as a limit of Einstein geometries and how they are in fact constructed by means of data defined on the conformal Carrollian boundary that is null infinity. These data, infinite in number, are obtained as the coefficients of the Laurent expansion of the energy-momentum tensor in powers of the cosmological constant. This approach puts this tensor back at the heart of the analysis, and at the same time reveals the versatile role of the boundary Cotton tensor. Both appear in the infinite hierarchy of flux-balance equations governing the gravitational dynamics.  

Mon, 17 Nov 2014

15:45 - 16:45

On some pro-p groups arising from Lie theory

Bertrand Remy
(Ecole Polytechnique, Paris)

Profinite groups are compact totally disconnected groups, or equivalently projective limits of finite groups. This class of groups appears naturally in infinite Galois theory, but they can be studied for their own sake (which will be the case in this talk). We are interested in pro-p groups, i.e. projective limits of finite p-groups. For instance, the group SL(n,Z_p) - and in general any maximal compact subgroup in a Lie group over a local field of residual characteristic p - contains a pro-p group of finite index. The latter groups can be seen as pro-p Sylow subgroups in this situation (they are all conjugate by a non-positive curvature argument).

We will present an a priori non-linear generalization of these examples, arising via automorphism groups of spaces that we will gently introduce: buildings. The main result is the existence of a wide class of automorphism groups of buildings which are simple and whose maximal compact subgroups are virtually finitely generated pro-p groups. This is only the beginning of the study of these groups, where the main questions deal with linearity, and other homology groups.

This is joint work with Inna Cadeboscq (Warwick). We will also discuss related results with I. Capdeboscq and A. Lubotzky on controlling the size of profinite presentations of compact subgroups in some non-Archimedean simple groups

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