Mon, 24 Jun 2019

Derived modular functors

Lukas Jannik Woike

 For a semisimple modular tensor category the Reshetikhin-Turaev construction yields an extended three-dimensional topological field theory and hence by restriction a modular functor. By work of Lyubachenko-Majid the construction of a modular functor from a modular tensor category remains possible in the non-semisimple case. We explain that the latter construction is the shadow of a derived modular functor featuring homotopy coherent mapping class group actions on chain complex valued conformal blocks and a version of factorization and self-sewing via homotopy coends. On the torus we find a derived version of the Verlinde algebra, an algebra over the little disk operad (or more generally a little bundles algebra in the case of equivariant field theories). The concepts will be illustrated for modules over the Drinfeld double of a finite group in finite characteristic. This is joint work with Christoph Schweigert (Hamburg).

Mon, 27 Nov 2017

Homomorphism Thresholds For Graphs

Mathias Schacht

The interplay of minimum degree and 'structural properties' of large graphs with a given forbidden subgraph is a central topic in extremal graph theory. For a given graph $F$ we define the homomorphism threshold as the infimum $\alpha$ such that every $n$-vertex $F$-free graph $G$ with minimum degree $>\alpha n$ has a homomorphic image $H$ of bounded size (independent of $n$), which is $F$-free as well. Without the restriction of $H$ being $F$-free we recover the definition of the chromatic threshold, which was determined for every graph $F$ by Allen et al. The homomorphism threshold is less understood and we present recent joint work with O. Ebsen on the homomorphism threshold for odd cycles.

Wed, 09 Mar 2016

Normal spanning trees in uncountable graphs

Max Pitz

"In a paper from 2001, Diestel and Leader characterised uncountable graphs with normal spanning trees through a class of forbidden minors. In this talk we investigate under which circumstances this class of forbidden minors can be made nice. In particular, we will see that there is a nice solution to this problem under Martin’s Axiom. Also, some connections to the Stone-Chech remainder of the integers, and almost disjoint families are uncovered.”

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