Thu, 31 Oct 2019

14:45 - 15:45

Classifying Fine Compactified Universal Jacobians (COW seminar)

Nicola Pagani

A fine compactified Jacobian is a proper open substack of the moduli space of simple sheaves. We will see that fine compactified Jacobians correspond to a certain combinatorial datum, essentially obtained by taking multidegrees of all elements of the compactified Jacobian. This picture generalizes to flat families of curves. We will discuss a classification result in the case when the family is the universal family over the moduli space of curves. This is a joint work with Jesse Kass.

Mon, 13 Mar 2017

09:30 - 10:30

Surgery on manifolds: the early days

Terry Wall

In 1956 Milnor published a paper proving that there are manifolds homeomorphic to the 7-sphere but not diffeomorphic to it. Seeking to generalise this example, he was led in around 1960 to introduce a construction for  killing homotopy groups of manifolds. When this was generalised to killing relative homotopy groups it became a general and powerful method of construction. An obstruction arises to killing the last group, and the analysis of this obstruction in general leads to a new theory.

Mon, 19 Oct 2015

12:00 - 13:00

From special geometry to Nernst branes

Thomas Mohaupt
Dimensional reduction over time is a useful method for constructing stationary solutions in supergravity, both extremal and non-extremal. For theories with N=2 vector multiplets one can in addition exploit the special Kahler geometry encoding the couplings. I will explain why aformulation in terms of real coordinates and a Hesse potential is useful, and how special Kahler geometry is related to
para-quaternionic Kahler geometry by dimensional reduction. As an application I will present the construction of black brane solutions with vanishing entropy density at zero temperature (`Nernst branes') in FI-gauged N=2 supergravity in four and five dimensions.
Thu, 15 Oct 2009

14:00 - 15:00
DH 3rd floor SR

(COW seminar) Reid's recipe and derived categories

Timothy Logvinenko

We give a three dimensional generalization of the classical McKay correspondence construction by Gonzales-Sprinberg and Verdier. This boils down to computing for the Bridgeland-King-Reid derived category equivalence the images of twists of the point sheaf at the origin of C^3 by irreducible representations of G. For abelian G the answer turns out to be closely linked to a piece of toric combinatorics known as Reid's recipe.

Tue, 02 Dec 2008

15:45 - 16:45

Tilting and the space of stability conditions

Jon Woolf

Bridgeland's notion of stability condition allows us to associate a complex manifold, the space of stability conditions, to a triangulated category $D$. Each stability condition has a heart - an abelian subcategory of $D$ - and we can decompose the space of stability conditions into subsets where the heart is fixed. I will explain how (under some quite strong assumpions on $D$) the tilting theory of $D$ governs the geometry and combinatorics of the way in which these subsets fit together. The results will be illustrated by two simple examples: coherent sheaves on the projective line and constructible sheaves on the projective line stratified by a point and its complement.

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