Tue, 08 Mar 2022

Localization in the smooth representation theory in natural characteristic of p-adic Lie groups

Peter Schneider

In commutative algebra localizing a ring and its modules is a fundamental technique. In the general case of a Grothendieck abelian category or even a triangulated category with small direct sums this is replaced by forming the quotient category by a localizing subcategory. Therefore the classification of these localizing subcategories becomes an important problem. I will begin by recalling the case of the (derived) module category of a commutative noetherian ring due to Gabriel and Hopkins/Neeman, respectively, in order to give an idea how such a classification can look like.

The case of interest in this talk is the derived category D(G) of smooth representation in characteristic p of a p-adic Lie group G. This is motivated by the emerging p-adic Langlands program. In joint work with C. Heyer we have some modest initial results if G is compact pro-p or abelian. which I will present.

Tue, 13 Nov 2018

Projective geometries arising from Elekes-Szabó problems

Martin Bays

I will explain how complex varieties which have asymptotically large intersections with finite grids can be seen to correspond to projective geometries, exploiting ideas of Hrushovski. I will describe how this leads to a precise characterisation of such varieties. Time permitting, I will discuss consequences for generalised sum-product estimates and connections to diophantine problems. This is joint work with Emmanuel Breuillard.

Mon, 13 Mar 2017

11:30 - 12:30

Homotopical properties of the diffeomorphism group of a smooth homotopy sphere

Michael Weiss

It is hard to detect the exotic nature of an exotic n-sphere M 
in homotopical features of the diffeomorphism group Diff(M). The well 
known reason is that Diff(M) contains a big topological subgroup H which 
is identified with the group of diffeomorphisms rel boundary of the 
n-disk, with a small coset space Diff(M)/H which is invariably homotopy 
equivalent to O(n+1). Therefore it seems that our only chance to detect 
the exotic nature of M in homotopical features of Diff(M) is to see 
something in this extension.  (To make sense of "homotopical features of 
Diff(M)" one should think of Diff(M) as a space with a multiplication 
acting on an n-sphere.) I am planning to report on PhD work of O Sommer 
and calculations due to myself and Sommer which, if all goes well, would 
show that Diff(M) has some exotic homotopical properties in the case 
where M is the 7-dimensional exotic sphere of Kervaire-Milnor fame which 
bounds a compact smooth framed 8-manifold of signature 8. The 
theoretical work is based on classical smoothing theory and the 
calculations would be based on ever-ongoing (>30 years) joint work 
Weiss-Williams, and might give me and Williams another valuable 
incentive to finish it.

Mon, 14 Nov 2016

12:00 - 13:00

Occupants of Manifolds

Steffen Tillmann

I will report on joint work with Michael Weiss (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1503.00498.pdf):

Let K be a subset of a smooth manifold M. In some cases, functor calculus methods lead to a homotopical formula for M \ K in terms of the spaces M \ S,  where S runs through the finite subsets of K. This is for example the case when K is a smooth compact sub manifold of co-dimension greater or equal to three.



Thu, 10 Nov 2016

Derived Hecke algebras

Peter Schneider

The smooth representation theory of a p-adic reductive group G with characteristic zero coefficients is very closely connected to the module theory of its (pro-p) Iwahori-Hecke algebra H(G). In the modular case, where the coefficients have characteristic p, this connection breaks down to a large extent. I will first explain how this connection can be reinstated by passing to a derived setting. It involves a certain differential graded algebra whose zeroth cohomology is H(G). Then I will report on a joint project with R. Ollivier in which we analyze the higher cohomology groups of this dg algebra for the group G = SL_2.

Mon, 20 Apr 2015

Homological stability for configuration spaces on closed manifolds

Martin Palmer

Unordered configuration spaces on (connected) manifolds are basic objects
that appear in connection with many different areas of topology. When the
manifold M is non-compact, a theorem of McDuff and Segal states that these
spaces satisfy a phenomenon known as homological stability: fixing q, the
homology groups H_q(C_k(M)) are eventually independent of k. Here, C_k(M)
denotes the space of k-point configurations and homology is taken with
coefficients in Z. However, this statement is in general false for closed
manifolds M, although some conditional results in this direction are known.

I will explain some recent joint work with Federico Cantero, in which we
extend all the previously known results in this situation. One key idea is
to introduce so-called "replication maps" between configuration spaces,
which in a sense replace the "stabilisation maps" that exist only in the
case of non-compact manifolds. One corollary of our results is to recover a
"homological periodicity" theorem of Nagpal -- taking homology with field
coefficients and fixing q, the sequence of homology groups H_q(C_k(M)) is
eventually periodic in k -- and we obtain a much simpler estimate for the
period. Another result is that homological stability holds with Z[1/2]
coefficients whenever M is odd-dimensional, and in fact we improve this to
stability with Z coefficients for 3- and 7-dimensional manifolds.

Thu, 12 Jun 2014

17:15 - 18:15

A universal construction for sharply 2-transitive groups

Katrin Tent

Finite sharply 2-transitive groups were classified by Zassenhaus in the 1930's. It has been an open question whether infinite sharply 2-transitive group always contain a regular normal subgroup. In joint work with Rips and Segev we show that this is not the case.

Thu, 06 Mar 2014

'Defining p-henselian valuations'

Franziska Yahnke

(Joint work with Jochen Koenigsmann) Admitting a p-henselian
valuation is a weaker assumption on a field than admitting a henselian
valuation. Unlike henselianity, p-henselianity is an elementary property
in the language of rings. We are interested in the question when a field
admits a non-trivial 0-definable p-henselian valuation (in the language
of rings). They often then give rise to 0-definable henselian
valuations. In this talk, we will give a classification of elementary
classes of fields in which the canonical p-henselian valuation is
uniformly 0-definable. This leads to the new phenomenon of p-adically
(pre-)Euclidean fields.

Thu, 10 Jun 2010

Simplicity of certain automorphism groups

Katrin Tent

Simple groups of Lie type have a purely group theoretic characterization in terms of subgroup configurations. We here show that for certain Fraisse limits, the automorphism group is a simple group.

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