Thu, 06 Jun 2019

14:00 - 15:00
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, nr Didcot

Parallel numerical algorithms for resilient large scale simulations

Dr Mawussi Zounon
(Numerical Algorithms Group & University of Manchester)

As parallel computers approach Exascale (10^18 floating point operations per second), processor failure and data corruption are of increasing concern. Numerical linear algebra solvers are at the heart of many scientific and engineering applications, and with the increasing failure rates, they may fail to compute a solution or produce an incorrect solution. It is therefore crucial to develop novel parallel linear algebra solvers capable of providing correct solutions on unreliable computing systems. The common way to mitigate failures in high performance computing systems consists of periodically saving data onto a reliable storage device such as a remote disk. But considering the increasing failure rate and the ever-growing volume of data involved in numerical simulations, the state-of-the-art fault-tolerant strategies are becoming time consuming, therefore unsuitable for large-scale simulations. In this talk, we will present a  novel class of fault-tolerant algorithms that do not require any additional resources. The key idea is to leverage the knowledge of numerical properties of solvers involved in a simulation to regenerate lost data due to system failures. We will also share the lessons learned and report on the numerical properties and the performance of the new resilience algorithms.

Thu, 15 Mar 2007

14:00 - 15:00
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, nr Didcot

New developments in LAPACKJ and ScaLAPACK

Sven Hammarling
(Numerical Algorithms Group & University of Manchester)

In this talk we shall be looking at recent and forthcoming developments in the widely used LAPACK and ScaLAPACK numerical linear algebra libraries.

Improvements include the following: Faster algorithms, better numerical methods, memory hierarchy optimizations, parallelism, and automatic performance tuning to accommodate new architectures; more accurate algorithms, and the use of extra precision; expanded functionality, including updating and downdating and new eigenproblems; putting more of LAPACK into ScaLAPACK; and improved ease of use with friendlier interfaces in multiple languages. To accomplish these goals we are also relying on better software engineering techniques and contributions from collaborators at many institutions.

After an overview, this talk will highlight new more accurate algorithms; faster algorithms, including those for pivoted Cholesky and updating of factorizations; and hybrid data formats.

This is joint work with Jim Demmel, Jack Dongarra and the LAPACK/ScaLAPACK team.

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