Fri, 03 May 2024

15:00 - 16:00

Local systems for periodic data

Adam Onus
(Queen Mary University of London)


Periodic point clouds naturally arise when modelling large homogenous structures like crystals. They are naturally attributed with a map to a d-dimensional torus given by the quotient of translational symmetries, however there are many surprisingly subtle problems one encounters when studying their (persistent) homology. It turns out that bisheaves are a useful tool to study periodic data sets, as they unify several different approaches to study such spaces. The theory of bisheaves and persistent local systems was recently introduced by MacPherson and Patel as a method to study data with an attributed map to a manifold through the fibres of this map. The theory allows one to study the data locally, while also naturally being able to appeal to local systems of (co)sheaves to study the global behaviour of this data. It is particularly useful, as it permits a persistence theory which generalises the notion of persistent homology. In this talk I will present recent work on the theory and implementation of bisheaves and local systems to study 1-periodic simplicial complexes. Finally, I will outline current work on generalising this theory to study more general periodic systems for d-periodic simplicial complexes for d>1. 

Thu, 01 Feb 2024

17:00 - 18:00

The independence theorem in positive NSOP1 theories

Mark Kamsma
(Queen Mary University of London)

Positive logic is a generalisation of full first-order logic, where negation is not built in, but can be added as desired. In joint work with Jan Dobrowolski we succesfully generalised the recent development on Kim-independence in NSOP1 theories to the positive setting. One of the important theorems in this development is the independence theorem, whose statement is very similar to the well-known statement for simple theories, and allows us to amalgamate independent types. In this talk we will have a closer look at the proof of this theorem, and what needs to be changed to make the proof work in positive logic compared to full first-order logic.

Tue, 23 Jan 2024

16:00 - 17:00

Combinatorial moment sequences

Natasha Blitvic
(Queen Mary University of London)

We will look at a number of interesting examples — some proven, others merely conjectured — of Hamburger moment sequences in combinatorics. We will consider ways in which this positivity may be expected: for instance, in different types of combinatorial statistics on perfect matchings that encode moments of noncommutative analogues of the classical Central Limit Theorem. We will also consider situations in which this positivity may be surprising, and where proving it would open up new approaches to a class of very hard open problems in combinatorics.

Thu, 09 Mar 2023

Mass equidistribution for Siegel cusp forms of degree 2

Abhishek Saha
(Queen Mary University of London)

I will talk about some current work with Jesse Jaasaari and Steve Lester where we investigate the analogue of the Quantum Unique Ergodicity (QUE) conjecture in the weight aspect for Siegel cusp forms of degree 2 and full level. Assuming the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis (GRH) we establish QUE for Saito–Kurokawa lifts as the weight tends to infinity. As an application, we prove the equidistribution of zero divisors.

Mon, 21 Nov 2022

Dirac synchronization and Dirac Signal Processing

Ginestra Bianconi
(Queen Mary University of London)

Topological signals associated not only to nodes but also to links and to the higher dimensional simplices of simplicial complexes are attracting increasing interest in signal processing, machine learning and network science. However, little is known about the collective dynamical phenomena involving topological signals. Typically, topological signals of a given dimension are investigated and filtered using the corresponding Hodge Laplacians. In this talk, I will introduce the topological Dirac operator that can be used to process simultaneously topological signals of different dimensions.  I will discuss the main spectral properties of the Dirac operator defined on networks, simplicial complexes and multiplex networks, and their relation to Hodge Laplacians.   I will show that topological signals treated with the Hodge Laplacians or with the Dirac operator can undergo collective synchronization phenomena displaying different types of critical phenomena. Finally, I will show how the Dirac operator allows to couple the dynamics of topological signals of different dimension leading to the Dirac signal processing of signals defined on nodes, links and triangles of simplicial complexes. 

Tue, 16 Jun 2020

11:30 - 12:45


Angus Macintyre
(Queen Mary University of London)


Tue, 10 Mar 2020

15:30 - 16:30

Random matrices, random Young diagrams, and some random operators

Sasha Sodin
(Queen Mary University of London)

The rows of a Young diagram chosen at random with respect to the Plancherel measure are known to share some features with the eigenvalues of the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble. We shall discuss several ideas, going back to the work of Kerov and developed by Biane and by Okounkov, which to some extent clarify this similarity. Partially based on joint work with Jeong and on joint works in progress with Feldheim and Jeong and with Täufer.

Fri, 21 Feb 2020

15:00 - 16:00

Two Models of Random Simplicial Complexes

Lewis Mead
(Queen Mary University of London)

The talk will introduce two general models of random simplicial complexes which extend the highly studied Erdös-Rényi model for random graphs. These models include the well known probabilistic models of random simplicial complexes from Costa-Farber, Kahle, and Linial-Meshulam as special cases. These models turn out to have a satisfying Alexander duality relation between them prompting the hope that information can be transferred for free between them. This turns out to not quite be the case with vanishing probability parameters, but when all parameters are uniformly bounded the duality relation works a treat. Time permitting I may talk about the Rado simplicial complex, the unique (with probability one) infinite random simplicial complex.
This talk is based on various bits of joint work with Michael Farber, Tahl Nowik, and Lewin Strauss.

Fri, 07 Jun 2019

12:00 - 13:00

Finding and Imposing Qualitative Properties in Data

Primoz Skraba
(Queen Mary University of London)

Data analysis techniques are often highly domain specific - there are often certain patterns which should be in certain types of data but may not be apparent in data. The first part of the talk will cover a technique for finding such patterns through a tool which combines visual analytics and machine learning to provide insight into temporal multivariate data. The second half of the talk will discuss recent work on imposing high level geometric  structure into continuous optimizations including deep neural networks.

Mon, 05 Nov 2018

Random graphs with constant r-balls

David Ellis
(Queen Mary University of London)

Let F be a fixed infinite, vertex-transitive graph. We say a graph G is `r-locally F' if for every vertex v of G, the ball of radius r and centre v in G is isometric to the ball of radius r in F. For each positive integer n, let G_n = G_n(F,r) be a graph chosen uniformly at random from the set of all unlabelled, n-vertex graphs that are r-locally F. We investigate the properties that the random graph G_n has with high probability --- i.e., how these properties depend upon the fixed graph F. 
We show that if F is a Cayley graph of a torsion-free group of polynomial growth, then there exists a positive integer r_0 such that for every integer r at least r_0, with high probability the random graph G_n = G_n(F,r) defined above has largest component of size between n^{c_1} and n^{c_2}, where 0 < c_1 < c_2  < 1 are constants depending upon F alone, and moreover that G_n has at least exp(poly(n)) automorphisms. This contrasts sharply with the random d-regular graph G_n(d) (which corresponds to the case where F is replaced by the infinite d-regular tree).
Our proofs use a mixture of results and techniques from group theory, geometry and combinatorics, including a recent and beautiful `rigidity' result of De La Salle and Tessera.
We obtain somewhat more precise results in the case where F is L^d (the standard Cayley graph of Z^d): for example, we obtain quite precise estimates on the number of n-vertex graphs that are r-locally L^d, for r at least linear in d, using classical results of Bieberbach on crystallographic groups.
Many intriguing open problems remain: concerning groups with torsion, groups with faster than polynomial growth, and what happens for more general structures than graphs.
This is joint work with Itai Benjamini (Weizmann Institute).

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