Thu, 19 May 2016

14:00 - 15:00

Computing defective eigenpairs in parameter-dependent eigenproblems

Dr. Melina Freitag
(University of Bath)

The requirement to compute Jordan blocks for multiple eigenvalues arises in a number of physical problems, for example panel flutter problems in aerodynamical stability, the stability of electrical power systems, and in quantum mechanics. We introduce a general method for computing a 2-dimensional Jordan block in a parameter-dependent matrix eigenvalue problem based on the so called Implicit Determinant Method. This is joint work with Alastair Spence (Bath).

Mon, 08 Feb 2016

16:00 - 17:00

Pseudo-differential operators on Lie groups

Veronique Fischer
(University of Bath)
In this talk, I will present some recent developments in the theory of pseudo-differential operators on Lie groups. First I will discuss why `reasonable' Lie groups are the interesting manifolds where one can develop global symbolic pseudo-differential calculi. I will also give a brief overview of the analysis in the context of Lie groups. I will conclude with some recent works developing pseudo-differential calculi on certain classes of Lie groups.
Thu, 05 Feb 2015

17:30 - 18:30

Triangulation of definable monotone families of compact sets

Nicolai Vorobjov
(University of Bath)

Let $K\subset {\mathbb R}$ be a compact definable set in an o-minimal structure over $\mathbb R$, e.g. a semi-algebraic or a real analytic set. A definable family $\{S_\delta\ |  0<\delta\in{\mathbb R}\}$ of compact subsets of $K$, is called a monotone family if $S_\delta\subset S_\eta$ for all sufficiently small $\delta>\eta>0$. The main result in the talk is that when $\dim K=2$ or $\dim K=n=3$ there exists a definable triangulation of $K$ such that for each (open) simplex $\Lambda$ of the triangulation and each small enough $\delta>0$, the intersections $S_\delta\cap\Lambda$ is equivalent to one of five (respectively, nine) standard families in the standard simplex (the equivalence relation and a standard family will be formally defined). As a consequence, we prove the two-dimensional case of the topological conjecture on approximation of definable sets by compact families.

This is joint work with Andrei Gabrielov (Purdue).

Thu, 04 Dec 2014

14:00 - 15:00

Is the Helmholtz equation really sign-indefinite?

Dr Euan Spence
(University of Bath)

The usual variational formulations of the Helmholtz equation are sign-indefinite (i.e. not coercive). In this talk, I will argue that this indefiniteness is not an inherent feature of the Helmholtz equation itself, only of its standard formulations. I will do this by presenting new sign-definite formulations of several Helmholtz boundary value problems.

This is joint work with Andrea Moiola (Reading).

Thu, 13 Nov 2014

14:00 - 15:00

Quadrature in infinite dimensions and applications in uncertainty quantification

Professor Rob Scheichl
(University of Bath)

The coefficients in mathematical models of physical processes are often impossible to determine fully or accurately, and are hence subject to uncertainty. It is of great importance to quantify the uncertainty in the model outputs based on the (uncertain) information that is available on the model inputs. This invariably leads to very high dimensional quadrature problems associated with the computation of statistics of quantities of interest, such as the time it takes a pollutant plume in an uncertain subsurface flow problem to reach the boundary of a safety region or the buckling load of an airplane wing. Higher order methods, such as stochastic Galerkin or polynomial chaos methods, suffer from the curse of dimensionality and when the physical models themselves are complex and computationally costly, they become prohibitively expensive in higher dimensions. Instead, some of the most promising approaches to quantify uncertainties in continuum models are based on Monte Carlo sampling and the “multigrid philosophy”. Multilevel Monte Carlo (MLMC) Methods have been introduced recently and successfully applied to many model problems, producing significant gains. In this talk I want to recall the classical MLMC method and then show how the gains can be improved further (significantly) by using quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC) sampling rules. More importantly the dimension independence and the improved gains can be justified rigorously for an important model problem in subsurface flow. To achieve uniform bounds, independent of the dimension, it is necessary to work in infinite dimensions and to study quadrature in sequence spaces. I will present the elements of this new theory for the case of lognormal random coefficients in a diffusion problem and support the theory with numerical experiments.

Mon, 02 Jun 2014

17:00 - 18:00

Biharmonic maps into homogeneous spaces

Roger Moser
(University of Bath)

Biharmonic maps are the solutions of a variational problem for maps

between Riemannian manifolds. But since the underlying functional

contains nonlinear differential operators that behave badly on the usual

Sobolev spaces, it is difficult to study it with variational methods. If

the target manifold has enough symmetry, however, then we can combine

analytic tools with geometric observations and make some statements

about existence and regularity.

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