Mon, 16 May 2022

16:00 - 17:00


Emilia Alvarez
(University of Bristol)
Mon, 07 Feb 2022

12:45 - 13:45

On systems of maximal quantum chaos

Mike Blake
(University of Bristol)
Further Information

Note the unusual time and date


A remarkable feature of chaos in many-body quantum systems is the existence of a bound on the quantum Lyapunov exponent. An important question is to understand what is special about maximally chaotic systems which saturate this bound. Here I will discuss a proposal for a `hydrodynamic' origin of chaos in such systems, and discuss hallmarks of maximally chaotic systems. In particular I will discuss how in maximally chaotic systems there is a suppression of exponential growth in commutator squares of generic few-body operators. This suppression appears to indicate that the nature of operator scrambling in maximally chaotic systems is fundamentally different to scrambling in non-maximally chaotic systems.

Tue, 08 Feb 2022

15:30 - 16:30

Non-intersecting Brownian motion and compact Lie groups

Alex Little
(University of Bristol)

In many contexts a correspondence has been found between the classical compact groups and certain boundary conditions -- $U(n)$ corresponding to periodic, $USp(2n)$ corresponding to Dirichlet, $SO(2n)$ corresponding to Neumann and $SO(2n+1)$ corresponding to Zaremba. In this talk, I will try to elucidate this correspondence in Lie theoretic terms and in the process relate random matrix theory to Yang-Mills theory, free fermions and modular forms.

Tue, 15 Feb 2022

15:30 - 16:30

A handful of moment computations of characteristic polynomials and their derivatives in the classical compact ensembles

Emilia Alvarez
(University of Bristol)

I will present a collection of moment computations over the unitary, symplectic and special orthogonal matrix ensembles that I've done throughout my thesis. I will focus on the methods used, the motivation from number theory, the relationship to Painlev\'e equations, and directions for future work.

Mon, 11 Oct 2021

14:15 - 15:15

Minimal surfaces, spectral geometry and homogenisation

Jean Lagacé
(University of Bristol)

Free boundary minimal surfaces are a notoriously elusive object in geometric analysis. From 2011, Fraser and Schoen's research program found a relationship between free boundary minimal surfaces in unit balls and metrics which maximise the first nontrivial Steklov eigenvalue. In this talk, I will explain how we can adapt homogenisation theory, a branch of applied mathematics, to a geometric setting in order to obtain surfaces with first Steklov eigenvalue as large as possible, and how it leads to the existence of free boundary minimal surfaces which were previously thought not to exist.

Tue, 26 Jan 2021

15:30 - 16:30

Secular coefficients and the holomorphic multiplicative chaos

Joseph Najnudel
(University of Bristol)

We study the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial (also called secular coefficients) of random unitary matrices drawn from the Circular Beta Ensemble (i.e. the joint probability density of the eigenvalues is proportional to the product of the power beta of the mutual distances between the points). We study the behavior of the secular coefficients when the degree of the coefficient and the dimension of the matrix tend to infinity. The order of magnitude of this coefficient depends on the value of the parameter beta, in particular, for beta = 2, we show that the middle coefficient of the characteristic polynomial of the Circular Unitary Ensemble converges to zero in probability when the dimension goes to infinity, which solves an open problem of Diaconis and Gamburd. We also find a limiting distribution for some renormalized coefficients in the case where beta > 4. In order to prove our results, we introduce a holomorphic version of the Gaussian Multiplicative Chaos, and we also make a connection with random permutations following the Ewens measure.

Thu, 21 Jan 2021

12:00 - 13:30

Node-based approximation of contagion dynamics on networks

Cameron Hall
(University of Bristol)

Contagion models on networks can be used to describe the spread of information, rumours, opinions, and (more topically) diseases through a population. In the simplest contagion models, each node represents an individual that can be in one of a number of states (e.g. Susceptible, Infected, or Recovered), and the states of the nodes evolve according to specified rules. Even with simple Markovian models of transmission and recovery, it can be difficult to compute the dynamics of contagion on large networks: running simulations can be slow, and the system of master equations is typically too large to be tractable.

 One approach to approximating contagion dynamics is to assume that each node state is independent of the neighbouring node states; this leads to a system of ODEs for the node state probabilities (the “first-order approximation”) that always overestimates the speed of infection spread. This approach can be made more sophisticated by introducing pair approximations or higher-order moment closures, but this dramatically increases the size of the system and slows computations. In this talk, I will present some alternative node-based approximations for contagion dynamics. The first of these is exact on trees but will always underestimate the speed of infection spread on a network with loops. I will show how this can be combined with the classic first-order node-based approximation to obtain a node-based approximation that has similar accuracy to the pair approximation, but which is considerably faster to solve.

Thu, 01 Oct 2020

16:00 - 17:00

Systems Thinking and Problem Solving: Value-based Approaches to Mathematical Innovation (Cancelled)

Professor R. Eddie Wilson
(University of Bristol)
Further Information

More information on the Reddick Lecture.


This talk is a personal how-to (and how-not-to) manual for doing Maths with industry, or indeed with government. The Maths element is essential but lots of other skills and activities are equally necessary. Examples: problem elicitation; understanding the environmental constraints; power analysis; understanding world-views and aligning personal motivations; and finally, understanding the wider systems in which the Maths element will sit. These issues have been discussed for some time in the management science community, where their generic umbrella name is Problem Structuring Methods (PSMs).

Tue, 17 Nov 2020

15:30 - 16:30

Zeros, moments and derivatives

Nina Snaith
(University of Bristol)
Further Information

This seminar will be held via zoom. Meeting link will be sent to members of our mailing list (…) in our weekly announcement on Monday.


For 20 years we have known that average values of characteristic polynomials of random unitary matrices provide a good model for moments of the Riemann zeta function.  Now we consider moments of the logarithmic derivative of characteristic polynomials, calculations which are motivated by questions on the distribution of zeros of the derivative of the Riemann zeta function.  Joint work with Emilia Alvarez. 

Tue, 03 Nov 2020

15:30 - 16:30

A threefold way to integrable probabilistic models

Thomas Bothner
(University of Bristol)
Further Information

This seminar will be held via zoom. Meeting link will be sent to members of our mailing list (…) in our weekly announcement on Monday.


This talk is intended for a broad math and physics audience in particular including students. It will focus on the speaker’s recent contributions to the analysis of the real Ginibre ensemble consisting of square real matrices whose entries are i.i.d. standard normal random variables. In sharp contrast to the complex and quaternion Ginibre ensemble, real eigenvalues in the real Ginibre ensemble attain positive likelihood. In turn, the spectral radius of a real Ginibre matrix follows a different limiting law for purely real eigenvalues than for non-real ones. We will show that the limiting distribution of the largest real eigenvalue admits a closed form expression in terms of a distinguished solution to an inverse scattering problem for the Zakharov-Shabat system. This system is directly related to several of the most interesting nonlinear evolution equations in 1 + 1 dimensions which are solvable by the inverse scattering method. The results of this talk are based on our joint work with Jinho Baik (arXiv:1808.02419 and arXiv:2008.01694)

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