Mon, 15 Feb 2021

15:45 - 16:45

The singularity category of C^*(BG)

John Greenlees
(Warwick University)

For an ordinary commutative Noetherian ring R we would define the singularity category to be the quotient of the (derived category of) finitely generated modules modulo the (derived category of) fg projective modules [``the bounded derived category modulo compact objects’’]. For a ring spectrum like C^*(BG) (coefficients in a field of characteristic p) it is easy to define the module category and the compact objects, but finitely generated objects need a new definition. The talk will describe the definition and show that the singularity category is trivial exactly when G is p-nilpotent. We will go on to describe the singularity category for groups with cyclic Sylow p-subgroup.

Wed, 03 Mar 2021

Rigidity of curve graphs and Ivanov's Metaconjecture

Marco Barberis
(Warwick University)

Since its introduction in 1978 the curve complex has become one of the most important objects to study surfaces and their homeomorphisms. The curve complex is defined only using data about curves and their disjointness: a stunning feature of it is the fact that this information is enough to give it a rigid structure, that is every symplicial automorphism is induced topologically. Ivanov conjectured that this rigidity is a feature of most objects naturally associated to surfaces, if their structure is rich enough.

During the talk we will introduce the curve complex, then we will focus on its rigidity, giving a sketch of the topological constructions behind the proof. At last we will talk about generalisations of the curve complex, and highlight some rigidity results which are clues that Ivanov's Metaconjecture, even if it is more of a philosophical statement than a mathematical one, could be "true".

Mon, 29 Apr 2019

14:15 - 15:15

Scaling limits and surface tension for gradient Gibbs measure

(Warwick University)

I will discuss new results for the gradient field models with uniformly convex potential (also known as the Ginzburg-Landau field). A connection between the scaling limits of the field and elliptic homogenization was introduced by Naddaf and Spencer in 1997. We quantify the existing central limit theorems in light of recent advances in quantitative homogenization; and positively settle a conjecture of Funaki and Spohn about the surface tension. Joint work with Scott Armstrong. 


Mon, 05 Jun 2017

14:15 - 15:15

Derivative formulae and estimates for diffusion processes and semigroups

(Warwick University)

 There is a routine for obtaining formulae for derivatives of smooth heat semigroups,and for certain heat semigroups acting on differential forms etc, established some time ago by myself, LeJan, & XueMei Li.  Following a description of this in its general form, I will discuss its applicability in some sub-Riemannian situations and to higher order derivatives.


Mon, 17 Oct 2016

15:45 - 16:45

Hopf Algebras in Regularity Structures.

(Warwick University)

The Regularity Structures introduced by Martin Hairer allow us to describe the solution of a singular SPDEs by a Taylor expansion with new monomials.  We present the two Hopf Algebras used in this theory for defining the structure group and the renormalisation group. We will point out the importance of recursive formulae with twisted antipodes.

Mon, 09 May 2016

Descent of a sum of Consecutive Cubes ... Twice!!

Vandita Patel
(Warwick University)

Given an integer $d$ such that $2 \leq d \leq 50$, we want to
answer the question: When is the sum of
$d$ consecutive cubes a perfect power? In other words, we want to find all
integer solutions to the equation
$(x+1)^3 + (x+2)^3 + \cdots + (x+d)^3 = y^p$. In this talk, we present some
of the techniques used to tackle such diophantine problems.


Mon, 13 Jun 2016

15:45 - 16:45

Homogenization for families of skew products

(Warwick University)


We consider families of fast-slow skew product maps of the form \begin{align*}x_{n+1}   = x_n+\eps^2 a_\eps(x_n,y_n)+\eps b_\eps(x_n)v_\eps(y_n), \quad

y_{n+1}   = T_\eps y_n, \end{align*} where $T_\eps$ is a family of nonuniformly expanding maps, $v_\eps$ is of mean zero and the slow variables $x_n$ lie in $\R^d$.  Under an exactness assumption on $b_\eps$ (automatically satisfied in the cases $d=1$ and $b_\eps\equiv I_d$), we prove convergence of the slow variables to a limiting stochastic differential equation (SDE) as $\eps\to0$.   Our results include cases where the family of fast dynamical systems

$T_\eps$ consists of intermittent maps, unimodal maps (along the Collet-Eckmann parameters) and Viana maps.Similar results are obtained also for continuous time systems  \begin{align*} \dot x   =  \eps^2 a_\eps(x,y,\eps)+\eps b_\eps(x)v_\eps(y), \quad \dot y   =  g_\eps(y). \end{align*}

Here, as in classical Wong-Zakai approximation, the limiting SDE is of Stratonovich type $dX=\bar a(X)\,dt+b_0(X)\circ\,dW$ where $\bar a$ is the average of $a_0$

and $W$ is a $d$-dimensional Brownian motion.


Mon, 09 May 2016


Vandita Patel
(Warwick University)
Mon, 09 May 2016

15:45 - 16:45

Finding infinity inside Outer space

Karen Vogtmann
(Warwick University)

Motivated by work of Borel and Serre on arithmetic groups, Bestvina and Feighn defined a bordification of Outer space; this is an enlargement of Outer space which is highly-connected at infinity and on which the action of $Out(F_n)$ extends, with compact quotient. They conclude that $Out(F_n)$ satisfies a type of duality between homology and cohomology.  We show that Bestvina and Feighn’s  bordification can be realized as a deformation retract of Outer space instead of an extension, answering some questions left open by Bestvina and Feighn and considerably simplifying their proof that the bordification is highly connected at infinity.

Thu, 28 Jan 2016

Meaning of infinities in singular SPDEs

Wei-Jun Xu
(Warwick University)
Many interesting stochastic PDEs arising from statistical physics are ill-posed in the sense that they involve products between distributions. Hence, the solutions to these equations are obtained after suitable renormalisations, which typically changes the original equation by a quantity that is infinity. In this talk, I will use KPZ and Phi^4_3 equations as two examples to explain the physical meanings of these infinities. As a consequence, we will see how these two equations, interpreted after suitable renormalisations, arise naturally as universal limits for two distinct classes of statistical physics systems. Part of the talk based on joint work with Martin Hairer.
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