Fri, 14 Jun 2024

14:00 - 15:00

Brain mechanics in the Data era

Prof Antoine Jerusalem
(Dept of Engineering Science University of Oxford)

In this presentation, we will review how the field of Mechanics of Materials is generally framed and see how it can benefit from and be of benefit to the current progress in AI. We will approach this problematic in the particular context of Brain mechanics with an application to traumatic brain injury in police investigations. Finally we will briefly show how our group is currently applying the same methodology to a range of engineering challenges.

Fri, 17 Nov 2017

14:00 - 15:00

Building accurate computer models with cardiac and pulmonary images

Professor Vicente Grau
(Dept of Engineering Science University of Oxford)

Image use continues to increase in both biomedical sciences and clinical practice. State of the art acquisition techniques allow characterisation from subcellular to whole organ scale, providing quantitative information of structure and function. In the heart, for example, images acquired from a single modality (cardiac MRI) can characterise micro- and macrostructure, describe mechanical function and measure blood flow. In the lungs, new contrast agents can be used to visualise the flow of gas in free breathing subjects. This provides rich new sources of information as well as new challenges to extract data in a way that is useful to clinicians as well as computer modellers.
I will describe efforts in my group to use the latest advances in machine learning to analyse images, and explain how we are applying these to the development of accurate computer models of the heart.

Fri, 03 Nov 2017

14:00 - 15:00

Modelling and design of feedback circuits in biology

Professor Antonis Papachristodoulou
(Dept of Engineering Science University of Oxford)

Feedback control is found extensively in many natural and technological systems. Indeed, many biological processes use feedback
to regulate key processes – examples include bacterial chemotaxis and negative autoregulation in genetic circuits. Despite the prevalence of
feedback in natural systems, its design and implementation in a Synthetic Biological context is much harder.  In this talk I will give
examples of how we implemented feedback systems in three different biological systems. The first one concerns the design of a synthetic
recombinase-based feedback loop, which results into robust expression. The second describes the use of small RNAs to post-transcriptionally
regulate gene expression through interaction with messenger RNA (mRNA). The third involves the introduction of negative feedback in a
two-component signalling system through a controllable phosphatase.  Closing, I will outline the challenges posed by the design of such
systems, both theoretical and on their implementation.

Fri, 20 Oct 2017

14:00 - 15:00

Revolutionizing medicine through machine learning and artificial intelligence

Professor Mihaela van der Schaar
(Dept of Engineering Science University of Oxford)

Current medical practice is driven by the experience of clinicians, by the difficulties of integrating enormous amounts of complex and heterogeneous static and dynamic data and by clinical guidelines designed for the “average” patient. In this talk, I will describe some of my research on developing novel, specially-crafted machine learning theories, methods and systems aimed at extracting actionable intelligence from the wide variety of information that is becoming available (in electronic health records and elsewhere) and enabling every aspect of medical care to be personalized to the patient at hand. Because of the unique and complex characteristics of medical data and medical questions, many familiar machine-learning methods are inadequate.  My work therefore develops and applies novel machine learning theory and methods to construct risk scores, early warning systems and clinical decision support systems for screening and diagnosis and for prognosis and treatment.  This work achieves enormous improvements over current clinical practice and over existing state-of-the-art machine learning methods.  By design, these systems are easily interpretable and so allow clinicians to extract from data the necessary knowledge and representations to derive data-driven medical epistemology and to permit easy adoption in hospitals and clinical practice. My team has collaborated with researchers and clinicians in oncology, emergency care, cardiology, transplantation, internal medicine, etc. You can find more information about our past research in this area at:

Fri, 09 Jun 2017

14:00 - 15:00

From estimating motion to monitoring complex behaviour in cellular systems

Professor Jens Rittscher
(Dept of Engineering Science University of Oxford)

Building on advancements in computer vision we now have an array of visual tracking methods that allow the reliable estimation of cellular motion in high-throughput settings as well as more complex biological specimens. In many cases the underlying assumptions of these methods are still not well defined and result in failures when analysing large scale experiments.

Using organotypic co-culture systems we can now mimic more physiologically relevant microenvironments in vitro.  The robust analysis of cellular dynamics in such complex biological systems remains an open challenge. I will attempt to outline some of these challenges and provide some very preliminary results on analysing more complex cellular behaviours.

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