We have new additions to our range of merchandise, namely notebooks, hot/cold metal bottles and pens. And key rings will be coming very soon. And you can still purchase old favourites such as caps (below).

If there is anything you'd like to see that we don't currently have let Dyrol know. 


Celebrate National Doughnut Day on Friday June 7th in the cafe. 25% off on all our doughnuts, all day long.


Skip downstairs and you'll get 50% off all homemade 'grab and go' items (baguettes, ciabattas, salad bar, bagels) after 3pm. 

The microbiome is much in the news as the latest key to understanding our health. There is much research to be done and whether Kefir is the answer, who knows, but in the meantime why not pop down to the Café on Wednesday (24th) and try it?

Wednesday is also 'Stop Food Waste Day' in the Café. Look out for information downstairs.

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