A reminder that the Common Room will be in use for a private event 13:30-17:00 on Tuesday 10th and 13:00-16:30 on Wednesday 11th September. The kitchenettes will remain accessible, but we ask that you please use Reception to move between North and South during those time slots. AV technicians may come into the space to do set up in the morning, but they will work around any other users of the space.
Many thanks to all of you who sent in the places where you go to escape. We launched the series yesterday with Godstow Nunnery. The Nunnery (or Abbey), situated beside the River Thames at the top of Port Meadow, was closed by Thomas Cromwell in 1539 and you can now walk in the once hallowed grounds among the wild flowers, surrounded by the still standing stone walls. You can see the Abbey on our social media via the links at the bottom of the page.
If you haven't sent in the place you love, there's still plenty of time. Just email Dyrol.