Tue, 11 Jun 2019

12:00 - 13:00

Graph Comparison via the Non-backtracking Spectrum

Andrew Mellor
(University of Oxford; Mathematical Institute)

The comparison of graphs is a vitally important, yet difficult task which arises across a number of diverse research areas including biological and social networks. There have been a number of approaches to define graph distance however often these are not metrics (rendering standard data-mining techniques infeasible), or are computationally infeasible for large graphs. In this work, we define a new metric based on the spectrum of the non-backtracking graph operator and show that it can not only be used to compare graphs generated through different mechanisms but can reliably compare graphs of varying size. We observe that the family of Watts-Strogatz graphs lie on a manifold in the non-backtracking spectral embedding and show how this metric can be used in a standard classification problem of empirical graphs.

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