Mon, 20 May 2019

15:45 - 16:45

Low degree approximation of real singularities


In this talk I will discuss some recent results that allow to approximate a real singularity given by polynomial equations of degree d (e.g. the zero set of a polynomial, or the number of its critical points of a given Morse index) with a singularity which is diffeomorphic to the original one, but it is given by polynomials of degree O(d^(1/2)log d).
The approximation procedure is constructive (in the sense that one can read the approximating polynomial from a linear projection of the given one) and quantitative (in the sense that the approximating procedure will hold for a subset of the space of polynomials with measure increasing very quickly to full measure as the degree goes toinfinity).

The talk is based on joint works with P. Breiding, D. N. Diatta and H. Keneshlou      

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