Mon, 02 Nov 2020

Isotopy in dimension 4

Ryan Budney
(University of Victoria)

The main result is the existence of smooth, properly embedded 3-discs in S¹ × D³ that are not smoothly isotopic to {1} × D³. We describe a 2-variable Laurent polynomial invariant of 3-discs in S¹ × D³. This allows us to show that, when taken up to isotopy, such 3-discs form an abelian group of infinite rank. Joint work with David Gabai.

Tue, 19 Nov 2019

17:00 - 18:00

Semigroup C*-algebras associated with arithmetic progressions

Chris Bruce
(University of Victoria)

Congruence monoids in the ring of integers are given by certain unions of arithmetic progressions. To each congruence monoid, there is a canonical way to associate a semigroup C*-algebra. I will explain this construction and then discuss joint work with Xin Li on K-theoretic invariants. I will also indicate how all of this generalizes to congruence monoids in the ring of integers of an arbitrary algebraic number field.

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