Wed, 20 Apr 2022

09:00 - 10:00

Optimization, Speed-up, and Out-of-distribution Prediction in Deep Learning

Wei Chen
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Further Information

In this talk, I will introduce our investigations on how to make deep learning easier to optimize, faster to train, and more robust to out-of-distribution prediction. To be specific, we design a group-invariant optimization framework for ReLU neural networks; we compensate the gradient delay in asynchronized distributed training; and we improve the out-of-distribution prediction by incorporating “causal” invariance.

Fri, 05 Mar 2021

12:00 - 13:00

Linear convergence of an alternating polar decomposition method for low rank orthogonal tensor approximations

Ke Ye
(Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Low rank orthogonal tensor approximation (LROTA) is an important problem in tensor computations and their applications. A classical and widely used algorithm is the alternating polar decomposition method (APD). In this talk, I will first give very a brief introduction to tensors and their decompositions. After that, an improved version named iAPD of the classical APD will be proposed and all the following four fundamental properties of iAPD will be discussed : (i) the algorithm converges globally and the whole sequence converges to a KKT point without any assumption; (ii) it exhibits an overall sublinear convergence with an explicit rate which is sharper than the usual O(1/k) for first order methods in optimization; (iii) more importantly, it converges R-linearly for a generic tensor without any assumption; (iv) for almost all LROTA problems, iAPD reduces to APD after finitely many iterations if it converges to a local minimizer. If time permits, I will also present some numerical experiments.

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