Tue, 26 Oct 2021

14:00 - 15:00

FFTA: Local2Global: Scaling global representation learning on graphs via local training

Lucas Jeub
(Institute for Scientific Interchange)

We propose a decentralised “local2global" approach to graph representation learning, that one can a-priori use to scale any embedding technique. Our local2global approach proceeds by first dividing the input graph into overlapping subgraphs (or “patches") and training local representations for each patch independently. In a second step, we combine the local representations into a globally consistent representation by estimating the set of rigid motions that best align the local representations using information from the patch overlaps, via group synchronization.  A key distinguishing feature of local2global relative to existing work is that patches are trained independently without the need for the often costly parameter synchronisation during distributed training. This allows local2global to scale to large-scale industrial applications, where the input graph may not even fit into memory and may be stored in a distributed manner.

arXiv link: https://arxiv.org/abs/2107.12224v1

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