Tue, 13 May 2014

17:00 - 18:00

Tits rigidity of CAT(0) group boundaries

Eric Swenson
(Brigham Young)

Let $A$ and $B$ be boundaries of CAT(0) spaces. A function $f:A \to B$ is called a {\em boundary isomorphism} if $f$ is a homeomorphism in the visual topology and

$f$ is an isometry in the Tits metric. A compact metrizable space $Y$ is said to be {\em Tits rigid}, if for any two CAT(0) group boundaries $Z_1$ and $Z_2$ homeomorphic to $Y$, $Z_1$ is boundary isomorphic to $Z_2$.

We prove that the join of two Cantor sets and its suspension are Tits rigid.

Mon, 08 Jun 2009

$\pi$-convergence: The dynamics of isometries of Hadamard spaces on the boundary

Eric Swenson
(Brigham Young)

It a classical result from Kleinian groups that a discrete group, $G$, of isometries of hyperbolic k-space $\Bbb H^k$ will act on the

boundary sphere, $S^{k-1}$, of $\Bbb H^k$ as a convergence group.

That is:

For every sequence of distinct isometries $(g_i)\subset G$ there is a subsequence ${g_i{_j})$ and points $n,p \in \S^{k-1}$ such that for $ x \in S^{k-1} -\{n\}$, $g_i_{j}(x) \to p$ uniformly on compact subsets

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