Please note that the list below only shows forthcoming events, which may not include regular events that have not yet been entered for the forthcoming term. Please see the past events page for a list of all seminar series that the department has on offer.


Past events in this series

Mon, 14 Oct 2024

The complexity of knots

Marc Lackenby
((Oxford University) )

In his final paper in 1954, Alan Turing wrote `No systematic method is yet known by which one can tell whether two knots are the same.' Within the next 20 years, Wolfgang Haken and Geoffrey Hemion had discovered such a method. However, the computational complexity of this problem remains unknown. In my talk, I will give a survey on this area, that draws on the work of many low-dimensional topologists and geometers. Unfortunately, the current upper bounds on the computational complexity of the knot equivalence problem remain quite poor. However, there are some recent results indicating that, perhaps, knots are more tractable than they first seem. Specifically, I will explain a theorem that provides, for each knot type K, a polynomial p_K with the property that any two diagrams of K with n_1 and n_2 crossings differ by at most p_K(n_1) + p_K(n_2) Reidemeister moves.

Mon, 21 Oct 2024

The Alexander-Oda conjecture

Karim Adiprasito
(Dept of Mathematical Sciences University of Copenhagen)

In one of the foundational articles of PL topology in 1930, James Alexander laid the groundwork for a field that would shape topology for decades to come. One question from his original manuscript famously open: After he proved that every PL homeomorphism could be factorized into certain elementary moves, called stellar and inverse stellar moves. He asked whether these moves could be reordered, so that stellar moves preceded their inverses.

We prove that this is correct. Moreover, we prove a related conjecture in birational geometry due to Oda: Two birational toric varieties have a common blowup.


Mon, 02 Dec 2024

Building surfaces from equilateral triangles

Lasse Rempe
(Manchester University)
In this talk, we consider the following question. Suppose that we glue a (finite or infinite) collection of closed equilateral triangles together in such a way that we obtain an orientable surface. The resulting surface is a Riemann surface; that is, it has a natural conformal structure (a way of measuring angles in tangent space). We ask which Riemann surfaces are *equilaterally triangulable*; i.e., can arise in this fashion.

The answer in the compact case is given by a famous classical theorem of Belyi, which states that a compact surface is equilaterally triangulable if and only if it is defined over a number field. These *Belyi surfaces* - and their associated “dessins d’enfants” - have found applications across many fields of mathematics, including mathematical physics.

In joint work with Chris Bishop, we give a complete answer of the same question for the case of infinitely many triangles (i.e., for non-compact Riemann surfaces). The talk should be accessible to a general mathematical audience, including postgraduate students.